Saturday, November 29, 2008

Something for the new baby

32 weeks pregnant this week. It's getting harder and harder to find time to sew and actually finish sewing. If i can find the time to sew, my pelvis and back won't allow me to sit too long to sew. Finally managed to finish a few things and upload some photos.
I know we've got way too many blankets but i just cant resist these soft minky blanket so i made one for baby. 1 side minky and the other side microfleece.

Various nappies, cover and soakers

Something for mummy- Wetbag

A few things that i bought. 3 covers, 1 pocket and 1 fitted

Dont know when i can do more but what i can't sew i guess i'll just have to buy


chanelwong said...

lovely CD there Janelle....
you are sooo good...envy envy...

Aunty J said...

hey did u make tht wet bag urself? I love the print on it!! Way to go mommy...hope u r doing well :)

Cherry Rockette said...

ha aha aaha 'organised'. more like 'anal'. ha aha ah. i guess we do start out that way for thr first, huh? i have visions of the wardrobe for #2 just having piles of clothes, unfolded, unironed, just shoved in. h aha ah aah.
i wasn't planning on selling the 'boy' nappies if we have a girl, but i do want to be wahm, so i may end up making some to sell after bubs arrives. (i don't want to sell something that hasn't been tested iykwim?) i have no experience with babies, so i want to make sure they actually work first! just to get gusset placement right, absorbency etc, etc.
you've done a nice job on yours too! i like that you've gone with more turquoisey blues instead of all baby blue, they look great! did you knit the cute longies?
oh, and i think with melbourne weather as it is, the blankie will be niced and warm for our COLD summer. i made lots of muslins, but it's so cold, i'm going to need to make thicker bunny rugs i think.

Janelle said...

Thanks Cherry. Yes, i knitted the soaker. it's a shortie using tiny bird's longie pattern but i dont think i did a good job reducing the size to S. it's more like a newborn or premmie size. :P

Kit said... have been busy! Congratulations on your pregnancy :)

I wish that I can sew for my baby like you can. Dunno about CD-ing the newborn yet as their poo is so runny, it's easier to use the white squares.

Anyway, will visit frequently!